#401 "Coming Home" Episode #59/128 Original Air Date: 10/04/2000 Episode #1 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Season Premiere! Joey and Pacey return from their three month romantic nautical getaway on
True Love. Andie flirts with a french boy.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"AM Radio" - Everclear Album: Learning How To
Smile (Capitol) Website: www.everclearonline.com
Scene: Heard near beginning of episode during the beach scenes with Dawson, Andie, Jack and Jen.
Artist also heard in episode: #407
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Parking" by The Fuzz | |
 "Souvenirs" - Mary Beth Maziarz Album: A More Perfect World (Musaic) Website: www.marybethmusic.com
Scene: Heard in various scenes - Joey walking into Dawson's house and sees all the pics on the
wall. Dawson walking up to Joey while she sits on the car and while walking her home.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 #308 #316 #319 #409 #413 #420 #423 #501 #515 #610 |
"This Years Love" - David Gray Album: White
Ladder Website: www.davidgray.com
Scene: Started when Joey walks into the house after seeing Dawson but more prominently heard
during the P/J boats scenes near end of episode including while reading to each other.
Artist also heard in episode: #503
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "If She Would Stay" by Sweetsalt
| |
"Theme From Jaws" - John Williams Album: Jaws
Scene: Heard in various scenes at the "Dive-In" when Jaws the movie was playing.
This song among other various score music from the movie was heard.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Original Score Piece" by Adam
Fields | |
#402 "Failing Down" Episode #60/128 Original Air Date: 10/11/2000 Episode #2 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
With the return to school, reality hits hard as Jen and Henry break up and Pacey faces the
likelihood that he will not graduate. Gretchen (Pacey's sister) brightens the horizons a bit.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
 "How Could We Know" - Say-So Album: Still Waters (Organic) Website: members.aol.com/saysofans/
Scene: Very beginning of episode as Joey and Pacey are walking outside of school.
Artist also heard in episode: #100 #103 #203 #409 |
"Packing Blankets" - Eels Album: Daisies Of
The Galaxy (Dreamworks) Website: www.eelstheband.com
Scene: Dawson is speaking with Gretchen in the music store.
Artist also heard in episode: #417 #423 #503
This song was also heard in episode: #423
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Call It Clear" by Halloween,
Alaska | |
"Cavity" - Stew Album: Guest Host (Telegraph)
Website: www.stewmusic.com
Scene: Joey and Pacey are on the boat sharing a pizza.
 "Homecoming" - Five Way Friday Album: Moon Driven World Website: www.fivewayfriday.com
Scene: Jack and Jen are talking and she finds out that Jack has been in contact with Henry.
Artist also heard in episode: #405 |
 "Alone" - The Lads Album: Lost At Sea (Cross-Driven) Website: www.crossdriven.com
Scene: Jen and Dawson at the docks when he tells her that Henry has broken up with her.
Artist also heard in episode: #411 |
"Superman" - Five For Fighting Album: Songs
From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.fiveforfighting.com
Scene: End of episode - Joey and Pacey at the dock.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Always Ending" by The Villas
| | |
#403 "Two Gentlemen Of Capeside" Episode #61/128 Original Air Date: 10/18/2000 Episode #3 on the
Season 4 DVD set Score Music By: Adam Fields
The winds of change are blowing through Capeside as a violent storm threatens lives and forces
an unlikely hero to come forward.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" - The Jayhawks Album:
Songs From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.thejayhawks.com
Scene: Heard in various scenes after the opening scene... Grams with Jen getting ready for school
and Dawson and Joey walking in the hallway...
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "I Wish You Would" by Andrew | |
"Never Saw Blue Like That" - Shawn Colvin Album:
Songs From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.shawncolvin.com
Scene: Heard near end of episode when Pacey went to apologize to Dawson. Also hear in two other
scenes previous to this one.
Artist also heard in episode: #409 #421 #506 #610 | |
#404 "Future Tense" Episode #62/128 Original Air Date: 10/25/2000 Episode #4 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
When Joey fears that her college plans will upset her relationship with Pacey, it leads her
too having too much to drink at Jen's BD party. While Dawson & Pacey baby-sit her, she says things in front of everyone
she will forever regret!
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Sorry" - Moxie Album: Floor (28 Days)
Scene: Heard in the montage of scenes as the guidance counseler talks to Andie, Joey, Pacey,
Dawson and Jack.
Artist also heard in episode: #212 #511 #604 #614
This band is also known as MOXIEstarpark. |
"Something To Say" - Mike Plume Band Album:
Song & Dance, Man Website: www.mikeplumeband.com
Scene: In the school hallway right after Jack separates his shoulder and the guys come up to
wish Jen a happy birthday.
"Backstreets" - Filibuster Album: Deadly Hifi
Website: www.skunk.com/Filibuster
Scene: Dawson and Jen arrive at the birthday party. Continued to when we first see Joey and Pacey
at the party.
"Never The Same" - Supreme Beings Of Leisure Album:
Supreme Beings Of Leisure (Palm Pictures) Website: www.sbleisure.com
Scene: Jen and Drue talking by the poolside. Heard while Dawson and Joey were talking by the
punch bowl.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Pretending To Be Alive" by Red
Delicious | |
 "Sugar Star" - Crushing Velvet Album: Crush Website: www.crushingvelvet.com
Scene: This song leads into Dawson and Joey's conversation at the party. And right after when
Pacey joins the card game.
Artist also heard in episode: #414 #620
This song was also heard in episode: #414 |
"Five Alive" - Medium Album: Steel-Belted Radio
Website: www.mp3.com/medium
Scene: Music heard during and just before scenee where Jen and Joey are talking by the dock.
CD is available at Canadian online retailer HMV or through the band themselves at clubmed@passport.ca |
"Please, Please (Stacy's Song)" - Julie Plug Album:
Starmaker Website: www.julieplug.com
Scene: Andie and Jack talking at the party. Andie is bugging Jack about college applications.
Artist also heard in episode: #312 #314 #315 #322 #511
Julie Plug is a band that doesn't even have a band member named Julie. Official site currently unavailabe. |
"You Won't Fall" - Lori Carson Album: Where
It Goes (Restless) Website: www.loricarson.com
Scene: Andie, Jen and Joey by the water talking about where each will be in 5 years.
Artist also heard in episode: #504
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "I Will" by Rose Ranger | |
"Respect" - Train Album: Songs From Dawson's
Creek (Columbia) Website: www.trainline.com
Scene: Dawson and Jack talking at the party while Joey comes upon Pacey playing strip poker.
Artist also heard in episode: #303
This song is also expected to be on their next CD release.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Back Of My Mind" by Bill Bonk
| |
"Day Ditty" - Wild Colonials Album: Reel Life
Vol. 1 (Chromatic) Website: www.wildcolonials.com
Scene: Joey and Pacey walking home from the party.
Artist also heard in episode: #322 #613
This is the 3rd song from this CD used in Dawson's Creek.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Give It Away" by Quincy | |
 "What You Don't Know" - Katie Reider Album: Wonder (Blue Jordan) Website: www.katiereider.com
Scene: At end of episode while Dawson and Gretchen were talking by the bar.
Artist also heard in episode: #409
CD is available at Katie's official website. Check her site for other clips for her album. | |
#405 "A Family Way" Episode #63/128 Original Air Date: 11/01/2000 Episode #5 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
The Leery family may be adding another member, causing several others (Joey) to reconsider
sexual responsibility and all it's ramifications.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Everyone" - Five Way Friday Album: Run Like
This Website: www.fivewayfriday.com
Scene: Andie and Jack at the soccer field talking to the kids they will be coaching.
Artist also heard in episode: #402 |
"Just Another" - Pete Yorn Album: Songs From
Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.peteyorn.com
Scene: Dawson is photographing Gretchen.
Artist also heard in episode: #508 #618
This song was also heard in episode: #618
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Wondering" by Scott Laurent | |
"Feel The Movement" - Bright Blue Gorilla Album:
Mantra For The American Jungle Website: www.brightbluegorilla.com
Scene: Jack is talking to Andie about the sister of the girl on the soccer who was flirting with
CD available for purchase at CDBaby.com. |
"Crest Of Mary" - Verbow Album: White Out (Epic/550)
Website: www.verbow.com
Scene: Dawson and Gretchen at the bridge, she is telling Dawson about what she went through when
she became pregnant. Also heard during the short montage at the end of the episode.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Are We All Alone" by Passenger
| | |
#406 "Great Xpectations" Episode #64/128 Original Air Date: 11/08/2000 Episode #6 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Dawson and Gretchen head to an underground rave while Joey and Pacey tag along. Andie is
accepted to Harvard and later experiments with the drug ecstasy (aka XTC).
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Hey Pretty" - Poe Album: Haunted (Atlantic)
Website: www.atlantic-records.com/poe
Scene: Gretchen and Dawson in the record store. Gretchen is trying to convince Dawson to go the
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Your Friends" by Slumber Party
| |
"So In Love" - OneMusic Library Album: OneSongs
50's Volume I
Scene: Song playing when Dawson interrupted Mitch and Gail's candlelight dinner.
Artist also heard in episode: #309
This song was also heard in episode: #309
CD comes from a library of pre-licensed music and not available commercially. Actual artist is not identified.
"Far From Saved" - Granian Album: Hang Around
Website: www.granian.com
Scene: Dawson, Gretchen, Pacey and Joey in the car on the way to the rave.
Artist also heard in episode: #322
CD available for purchase at CDBaby.com.
Stop by their official website to find out how to get this CD. |
"Block Rockin' Beats" - Chemical Brothers Album:
Dig Your Own Hole (Astralwerks) Website: www.astralwerks.com/chemical
Scene: Heard outside the rave when the gang arrives as well as when they enter the building.
Artist also heard in episode: #513
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "The Wonders Of You" by Andy Hunter
| |
"Setting Sun" - Chemical Brothers Album: Dig
Your Own Hole (Astralwerks) Website: www.astralwerks.com/chemical
Scene: Heard for a very long time during continuous scenes at the rave. Gretchen and Joey talking
about Dawson. Drue and Andie dancing. Paceysitting on the couch outside.
Artist also heard in episode: #513
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Like This" by Crush | |
"Leave Home" - Chemical Brothers Album: Exit
Planet Dust (Astralwerks) Website: www.astralwerks.com/chemical
Scene: Heard as Dawson and Gretchen were "bouncing" at the rave.
Artist also heard in episode: #513
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Burn" by Andy Hunter | |
"Protocol" - Symbiosis Album: Groove (Soundtrack)
Scene: Background song at the rave when Andie is placed in the ambulance.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Cosmos" by KG Music | |
"Fields Of Gold" - Eva Cassidy Album: Songbird
(Blix Street) Website: www.evacassidy.com
Scene: Two scenes: Andie in the hospital bed with Jack and Mr. McPhee at her side. And at end
of episode when Joey and Dawson were at the docks.
Artist also heard in episode: #422
This song was also heard in episode: #422 | |
#407 "You Had Me At Goodbye" Episode #65/128 Original Air Date: 11/15/2000 Episode #7 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
With enough credits to graduate HS, Andie says goodbye to Capeside before attending Harvard
on early acceptance. Joey decides between Dawson and Pacey on who should write an essay for her college application on "The
Person Who Knows Me The Best".
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Wonderful" - Everclear Album: Learning How
To Smile (Capitol) Website: www.everclearonline.com
Scene: Heard in 3 scenes. Pacey and Andie in her bedroom. Dawson outside getting ready to paint.
Jack sees Jen at the locker and avoids talking to her.
Artist also heard in episode: #401
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "At The Top Of The World" by Juliana
Theory | |
"Two Wrongs And A Right" - The Normals Album:
Coming To Life (Forefront) Website: www.thenormals.com
Scene: Dawson is painting the fence thinking about whether or not he should write the essay.
"Freedom From Shame" - Michelle Cummings Album:
Peel Website: www.michellecummings.com
Scene: Drue tries to convince Jen to forget about her friends. Mr. McPhee and Andie talking in
the kitchen. Dawson talking to Joey by the creek.
Check her official site for CD info. |
"I Will Remember You" - Sarah McLachlan Album:
The Brothers McMullen (MST) (Arista) Website: www.sarahmclachlan.com
Scene: Played throughout Andie's going away dinner.
Artist also heard in episode: #103 #112 #624
The flip side of Sarah's single "Adia" also has this song. An alternate version of the song is available on her album
Mirrorball (live CD). | |
#408 "The Unusual Suspects" Episode #66/128 Original Air Date: 11/22/2000 Episode #8 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Someone has pulled the Senior prank of the century when Principal Peskin's boat and golden
retriever end up in the school swimming pool with "Class of 2001" inscribed on the sail. Dawson, Pacey and Jack are all considered
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Crazy For This Girl" - Evan and Jaron Album:
Songs From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.evanandjaron.com
Scene: Pacey is having a flashback of him and Joey outside the police station while under questioning.
Artist also heard in episode: #303
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Your Love Never Changes" by Paul
Wright | |
"After All" - Dar Williams Album: The Green
World (Razor & Tie) Website: www.darwilliams.com
Scene: Heard when the little girl Molly was crying on the bench with Jack.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "He Hangs Gently" by Tracy Shedd
| | |
#409 "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" Episode #67/128 Original Air Date: 11/29/2000 Episode #9 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Joey is hurt when Gretchen takes her place on movie night. Joey and Pacey are shocked when
they see Dawson kissing Gretchen under the mistletoe at the Leery's Christmas party.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Sorry Charlie" - Hathaway Album: Hathaway Website:
Scene: Joey and Mrs Valentine outside the yacht club. A little bit when Dawson is at the computer
finishing up his essay.
Visit the above link for more info on Hathaway and her CD. |
"Teenage Dirtbag" - Wheatus Album: Songs From
Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.wheatus.com
Scene: Was playing on Jen's radio when Jack came in her room.
This song is not available on most international releases of Volume 2.
 "Piece of Soul" - Katie Reider Album: Wonder Website: www.katiereider.com
Scene: Gretchen and Joey are in the boutique as Joey looks for a dress.
Artist also heard in episode: #404
Visit Katie's official site for CD info and more song clips for her CD. |
"Souvenirs" - Say-So Album: Still Waters (Organic)
Website: members.aol.com/saysofans/
Scene: Joey and Pacey in the school hallway.
Artist also heard in episode: #100 #103 #203 #402 |
"Jingle Bells" - Mark Shane Album: What Would
Santa Say? (Allegro)
Scene: Playing on Mr. Brooks' radio when Dawson enters his house.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Joy To The World" by Sidney James
| |
"String Quartet In C Major "Emperor"" - Franz Joseph
Haydn (Composer) Album: Info Not Available
Scene: Classical music heard when Joey and
Pacey first arrive at the networking dinner for the college.
Full title: String Quartet in C Major, op 76, no. 3 ("Emperor") |
"The Christmas Song" - Vikki Carr Album: Merry
Christmas (Laserlight) Website: www.vikkicarr.net
Scene: Jen is seen arriving at the Leery's party and Gretchen goes up to Dawson's room.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Jingle Bells" by Phil Sillas
| |
"String Quartet No. 15" - Franz Joseph Haydn (Composer)
Album: Info Not Available
Scene: Classical music at the party Joey and Pacey attended.
Joey was talking to the snobby girl and later when Joey and Pacey are at the dinner table.
"The First Noel" - Adam Fields (Composer) Album:
Scene: Instrumental piece heard briefly as Jen is outside the Leery's when the counseller
congrats Jen on her college application and essay.
Artist also heard in episode: #101
Adam is the Dawson's Creek music composer for Season 4 episodes. He also was the DC composer for season 1. |
"O Holy Night" - Sue Medley Album: N/A Website:
Scene: Dawson and Mr. Brooks outside the party when he gives him the book.
Artist also heard in episode: #303 #304 #313 #317
This song was specially recorded by Sue just for this episode. |
"Love Came Down At Christmas" - Shawn Colvin Album:
Holiday Songs And Lullabies (Columbia) Website: www.shawncolvin.com
Scene: Jack and Grams are talking to Jen about why they filled out her college applications.
Artist also heard in episode: #403 #421 #506 #610
This song was also heard in episode: #610
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "A Cradle Prayer" by Rebecca St.
James | |
"Christmastime" - Smashing Pumpkins Album: A
Very Special Christmas 3 Website: www.smashingpumpkins.com
Scene: Jack and Jen are on the stairs at the Leery's party.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "It's Christmastime" by Olivia
Nuetron Bomb | |
"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" - Mary
Beth Maziarz Album: N/A Website: www.marybethmusic.com
Scene: Dawson and Gretchen kiss under the misletoe at the end of the episode.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 #308 #316 #319 #401 #413 #420 #423 #501 #515 #610
This song was also heard in episode: #610
This song was specially recorded by Mary Beth for this episode. A full version of the song was not recorded, just 1:30
was. | |
#410 "Self Reliance" Episode #68/128 Original Air Date: 12/20/2000 Episode #10 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Joey tries to cope with her feelings after seeing Dawson and Gretchen kiss. Dawson's colloboration
with Brooks begins, rejuvinating his filmmaking spirit. Jen takes Jack to a Gay-Straight Coalition.
There was only 1 song heard in this episode!
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Don't Need A Reason" - Beth Orton Album: Trailer
Park (Arista) Website: www.bethorton.com
Scene: Heard at end of episode when Pacey was helping Joey study, and Dawson and Gretchen outside
the Christmas tree lighting.
Artist also heard in episode: #412 #604
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "The Race" by Deb Pasternak | | |
#411 "The Tao Of Dawson" Episode #69/128 Original Air Date: 01/10/2001 Episode #11 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Unexpected truths are revealed in Capeside when Dawson admits to Pacey that he has feelings
for Gretchen. Joey is locked in a storeroom with Drue.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Broken Boy" - Michal Album: Songs From Dawson's
Creek Volume 2 Website: www.skywithstars.com
Scene: Heard in the car when Pacey and Gretchen were on their way to Nick's house. Was on Dawson's
CD mix he gave to Gretchen.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Omerta" by The Belles | |
"If I Am" - Nine Days Album: Songs From Dawson's
Creek Volume 2 Website: www.ninedays.com
Scene: Gretchen and Pacey arrive at Nick's house.
Artist also heard in episode: #303
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Adonais" by Loretta | |
 "Understand" - The Lads Album: Lost At Sea (Cross-Driven) Website: www.crossdriven.com
Scene: Nick and Pacey in the hot tub.
Artist also heard in episode: #402 |
 "Want Me" - Red Delicious Album: Emotional Blur Website: www.red-delicious.com
Scene: Nick is trying to sweet talk Gretchen. Nick gives Pacey the keys to the room.
Artist also heard in episode: #418 |
"Love Is The Movement" - Switchfoot Album: Learning
To Breathe Website: www.switchfoot.com
Scene: Gretchen is telling Pacey about the miscarriage she had.
Artist also heard in episode: #207 #209 #321 |
 "Siren" - Red Delicious Album: Emotional Blur Website: www.red-delicious.com
Scene: Nick and Gretchen talking just before going upstairs.
Artist also heard in episode: #418 |
 "Nocturne" - Red Delicious Album: Emotional Blur Website: www.red-delicious.com
Scene: Nick and Gretchen upstairs in his room.
Artist also heard in episode: #418 |
"I Think God Can Explain" - Splender Album:
Songs From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 (C2/Columbia) Website: www.splender.com
Scene: Heard at the end of the episode during the montage of scenes and when Gretchen goes to
meet Dawson at his house.
An alternate version of this song (album cut) can be found on their debut CD "Halfway Down The Sky".
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Girls Don't Cry" by Stewart Foehl
| | |
#412 "The Te Of Pacey" Episode #70/128 Original Air Date: 01/17/2001 Episode #12 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
When Joey helps plan a surprise party for Pacey's b-day, she ends up getting more than she
bargained for. Pacey's family creates a nightmare situation for all involved. Gretchen keeps putting off her and Dawson's
first official date.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Night and Day" - Ella Fitzgerald Album: Info
Not Available
Scene: Grams and Jen are doing arts and crafts in the kitchen.
This song is available on a few Ella Fitzgerald compilation CDs.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "I Want To Tell You" by One Songs
Music Library | |
"Jello" - Arlibido Album: All The World's America
Website: www.arlibido.com
Scene: Jen and Tobey in the car driving to pick up the drunk kids at the party.
Artist also heard in episode: #509
This song was also heard in episode: #509
CD is available in Canada or buy online at Canadian music sites HMV.com or CDPlus.com. |
"Rock Out" - 6X Album: Kung Pow (Daemon Records)
Website: www.listen.to/6x
Scene: Jen and Tobey driving the drunk students.
 "Camelot" - Sweetsalt Album: Sweetsalt Website: www.sweetsalt.com
Scene: Dawson and Joey in the car looking for Pacey.
Artist also heard in episode: #522
This CD is available in Canada but you can buy online at Canadian retailers HMV or CDPlus. |
 "Loving You" - Tammy Raybould Album: Maybe Website: www.tammyraybould.com
Scene: Jen and Tobey in the van after leaving Pacey's party. Jen tries to get Tobey to admit
he likes Jack.
CD available for purchase at CDBaby.com. |
"Lean On Me" - Beth Orton Album: Best Bit (Arista)
Website: www.bethorton.com
Scene: End of episode... begins with Joey and Pacey and while the fireworks were going off.
Artist also heard in episode: #410 #604
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Where You Are" by Clare Burson
| | |
#413 "Hopeless" Episode #71/128 Original Air Date: 01/31/2001 Episode #13 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Joey and Pacey double date with Drue and Anna. Anna finds an interest in Pacey. Dawson goes
out with Gretchen and her friends but feels humilated as the evening accentuates the gap between their ages.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"What A Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong Album:
Louis Armstrong's All Time Greatest Hits
Scene: Dawson turns on the radio for Mr. Brooks and
this song is playing.
Song is available on many Armstrong and jazz compilations as well as various movie soundtracks.
"Hopeless" - Dionne Farris Album: Love Jones
(Soundtrack) (Columbia) Website: www.dionnefarris.com
Scene: Gretchen and her friends are singing this song in the truck on the way to the club. They
even mention the artist in the scene.
Song only available on this soundtrack. Dionne has a CD available. Check official site for more info. |
"Firecracker" - John Lardieri Album: Firecracker
Website: www.johnlardieri.com
Scene: Very briefly heard as Dawson and Gretchen enter the club and Dawson gets his hand stamped
for Under 21.
Artist also heard in episode: #617
This CD is available online at CDstreet.com. (hear samples). |
"Give You The World" - The Flying Cordovas Album:
The Flying Cordovas Website: www.flyingcordovas.com
Scene: Dawson, Gretchen and the girls are sitting at the table in club just before Mary Beth
came on stage.
 "Waiting For A Sign" - Mary Beth Maziarz Album: A More Perfect World (Musaic Records) Website: www.marybethmusic.com
Scene: Mary Beth is on stage at the club singing. Song is also heard at the end of the episode
when Joey and Pacey are kissing by the window and when Dawson finds Mr. Brooks on the floor.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 #308 #316 #319 #401 #409 #420 #423 #501 #515 #610 | |
#414 "A Winter's Tale" Episode #72/128 Original Air Date: 02/07/2001 Episode #14 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Dawson tends to a near-death Mr. Brooks while his class attends the senior ski trip. Pacey
and Joey find a way to keep warm on a cold night. Jack and Jen share an unexpected romantic moment.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Impossible" - Brian Charles Album: sadderdaydreaming
Website: www.hearbox.com
Scene: Opening scene as everyone is getting on the bus for the class trip.
"Hideaway" - Epstein's Mother Album: Subtle
Website: www.epsteinsmother.com
Scene: On the bus when the chaperon was taking attendence.
"Do It Again" - Splytz Album: Splytz Website:
Scene: Everyone is getting off the bus at the lodge. Drue hands out the keys.
Artist also heard in episode: #514
CD is available through their official site. Listen to clips from the CD at their IUMA artist page. |
"Sucker For The Count" - Revelation Darling Album:
Welcome To The Static (Hero Recordings) Website: www.revelationdarling.com
Scene: Bar scene... all the guys pulled a condom out of their wallet except for Pacey who said
he left it in the room.
You can hear a full version of this song at their official site. CD also available through their official site.
"Summer Of '69" - Bryan Adams Album: So Far
So Good
Scene: Playing at the outdoor skating rink.
Artist also heard in episode: #110
This is a "Best Of" cd. Song is also available on his CD "Reckless".
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Carry Me Through" by Yell Leaders
| |
"Dumb Love" - Brian Charles Album: sadderdaydreaming
Website: www.hearbox.com
Scene: Briefly heard as Pacey meets Anna outside the hot tub.
 "Sugar Star" - Crushing Velvet Album: Crush Website: www.crushingvelvet.com
Scene: Pacey is talking to Anna by the fireplace, denying her advances.
Artist also heard in episode: #404 #620
This song was also heard in episode: #404 |
"How Does It Feel" - Radford Album: Radford
Website: www.radfordonline.com
Scene: Joey comes upon Pacey after he ditches Anna and they head back to the room.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Far Away" by Thomas Sandstrom
| |
"Takes My Breath Away" - Tuck & Patti Album:
Tears Of Joy (Windham Hill) Website: www.tuckandpatti.com
Scene: Pacey and Joey go "all the way" just as the episode ends.
Artist also heard in episode: #302
Song is also available on their "Best Of.." CD.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "I Will Love You" by Fisher | | |
#415 "Four Stories" Episode #73/128 Original Air Date: 02/14/2001 Episode #15 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Jen is sent to a psychologist by Mr Kasdan. Joey and Pacey oversleep at the lodge and find
themselves confronted with tensions that accompany the latest developments in their relationship. Dawson asks Joey if she
slept with Pacey.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Spectre Chase" - King Lear Jet Album: Press
On Good Captain Website: www.kinglearjet.com
Scene: Joey reading the magazine when Pacey comes over to give her chocolate heart candy.
Check the official site for more clips and CD info. |
"In The Sun" - Joseph Arthur Album: Come To
Where I'm From (Virgin) Website: www.josepharthur.com
Scene: Joey steps outside and sits on the bench. Joey explains to Pacey what "nice" meant.
Artist also heard in episode: #614
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Your Time" by Adam Tenenbaum
| |
"Color Blind" - Counting Crows Album: This Desert
Life (Universal/Geffen) Website: www.countingcrows.com
Scene: Dawson and Gretchen arrive back to Mr. Brooks' house after the funeral.
Artist also heard in episode: #310
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Silent Fear" by Schiavo | |
"The White Trash Period Of My Life" - Josh Rouse
Album: Dressed Up Like Nebraska (Slow River/Rykodisc) Website: www.joshrouse.com
Scene: Dawson outside Mr. Brooks' house after Grams leaves.
Artist also heard in episode: #218 #416 #606 |
"But Not For Me" - Elvis Costello Album: The
Glory Of Gershwin
Scene: Joey and Dawson bump into each other outside the movie theatre.
Remake of a Gershwin/Gershwin tune.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Love Is The Name Of The Game"
by Kenny Washington & Joe Evans | |
"Heart And Soul" - Bruce Patch Album: Doo Wop
(OneMusic Library)
Scene: Song playing in the diner when Dawson and Joey were there.
CD is from a pre-licensed music library, not available commercially (VOC020L). Actual artist is not identified.
"They Can't Take That Away From Me" - Lisa Stansfield
Album: The Glory Of Gershwin (Polydor/Polygram) Website: www.lisa-stansfield.com
Scene: Dawson and Joey walking along the dock. They stop to get coffee.
Remake of a George and Ira Gershwin tune.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Somewhere In A Dream" by Nat
Johnson & Joe Evans | | |
#416 "Mind Games" Episode #74/128 Original Air Date: 02/28/2001 Episode #16 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
The results of the senior poll have ramifications for Dawson, Joey and Pacey as the 3 try
to ignore the tauntings of pollmaster Drue Valentine. Dawson finds a night alone with Gretchen more awkward than he expected.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
 "Windows" - Amy Cook Album: From The Fifty-Second Story Website: www.amycook.com
Scene: As Joey arrives at Pacey's house to spend the night.
Artist also heard in episode: #421
This song was also heard in episode: #421 |
"Laughter" - Josh Rouse Album: Home (Slow
River/Rykodisc) Website: www.joshrouse.com
Scene: Joey and Pacey, the morning after in Pacey's kitchen.
Artist also heard in episode: #218 #415 #606 |
"In Metal" - Low Album: Things We Lost In The
Fire (Kranky) Website: www.chairkickers.com
Scene: Joey and Pacey walking along the beach.
| |
#417 "Admissions" Episode #75/128 Original Air Date: 04/11/2001 Episode #17 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Past, present, and future collide when the group is forced to make some serious decisions
about where they'll attend college.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Chemistry" - Semisonic Album: All About Chemistry
(Universal) Website: www.semisonic.com
Scene: Opening scene with Jen and Joey in the school cafeteria.
Artist also heard in episode: #205 #217
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "The Whole World" by Holland | |
"Bye Bye" - Marcy Playground Album: Shapeshifter
(Capitol) Website: www.marcyplayground.com
Scene: Joey, Pacey, and Dawson in the school hallway right after Joey found out she was accepted
to Worthington.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Gonna Get Out" by The Figgs | |
"More Than This" - Anne McCue Album: Amazing
Ordinary Things (Relentless Records) Website: www.annemccue.com
Scene: Heard in the background when Jack and Jen were alone at Joey's party.
Amazing Ordinary Things CD can be ordered through her official website, where you can also hear a full-length
clip of the song.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Afraid" by Quincy | |
"The Sound Of Fear" - Eels Album: Daisies Of
The Galaxy (Dreamworks) Website: www.eelstheband.com
Scene: Jack and Jen staring at the fishbowl.
Artist also heard in episode: #402 #423 #503
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Some Things Hold True" by Paul
Cargnello | | |
#418 "Eastern Standard Time" Episode #76/128 Original Air Date: 04/18/2001 Episode #18 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
It's Senior Ditch Day.. Joey finds herself accompanying Jen on an excursion to New York City.
Drue and Pacey are the only ones in school on this day. Gretchen and Dawson take off on a road trip.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Last Lament" - Susan James Album: Info Not
Available Website: www.susanjames.com
Scene: Opening scene in Dawson's room with Gretchen and Dawson.
No further info is available. |
"I Can't Wait To Meetchu" - Macy Gray Album:
On How Life Is (Epic) Website: www.macygray.com
Scene: Jen and Joey arriving in NY's Grand Central Station.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Free" by Julie Kim | |
 "Bring You Down" - Red Delicious Album: Emotional Blur Website: www.red-delicious.com
Scene: Jen and Joey meet Jen's long lost friend at the cafe.
Artist also heard in episode: #411 |
"You Belong To Me" - Hypnogaja Album: Revolution
Website: www.hypnogaja.com
Scene: Jen and Joey in the streets of NYC -- Jen admits to Joey she is hear to see her Dad.
"Love In 2 Parts" - Erin McKeown Album: Distillation
Website: www.erinmckeown.com
Scene: Gretchen and Dawson in town walking towards the garage after his truck got a flat.
"The Preacher" - Frostbit Blue Album: Just What
The Doctor Ordered Website: www.frostbitblue.com
Scene: Gretchen is in the diner ordering food for her and Dawson.
See the band's official site for CD info. |
"Sad Eyed Woman" - Tricky Woo Album: Sometimes
I Cry (Sonic Unyon) Website: www.trickywoo.com
Scene: Played as Drue and Pacey entered the bar and later doing shots.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 |
"The World Is Crazy" - John Campbelljohn Album:
Hook Slide And Sinker Website: www.campbelljohn.ca
Scene: The bartender comes over to Pacey and Drue's table right after Pacey won all the money
in the card game.
"Letters From The Wasteland" - Wallflowers Album:
Breach (Interscope) Website: www.wallflowers.com
Scene: Jen and Joey by the bridge near Wall Street -- Jen leaves her.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Looked Around" by Frank Jordan
| |
 "Show Me" - Vanessa Daou Album: Make You Love (EQ8R) Website: www.vanessadaou.com
Scene: Dawson and Gretchen by the fire, Dawson tells Gretchen he loves her.
Artist also heard in episode: #508 #615
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Fearless" by Amber Asfour | |
"Sweet Jane" - Cowboy Junkies Album: The Trinity
Session (RCA) Website: www.cowboyjunkies.com
Scene: Heard during the montage of scenes at end of episode. Jen and Joey leave NYC to go back
to Capeside.
Artist also heard in episode: #207
Jen mentioned this song to the psychatrist near the beginning of the episode.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Every So Often" by Jennifer Gibson
| | |
#419 "Late" Episode #77/128 Original Air Date: 04/25/2001 Episode #19 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Joey realizes that she could be pregnant and Pacey is nowhere to be found. Gretchen considers
taking an out-of-town job. Jack learns Tobey falls victim to a vicious hate crime.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Forever Young" - Joan Baez Album: Joan Baez:
Greatest Hits (A & M Records) Website: www.joanbaez.com
Scene: Heard during the baby shower for Gale. Also heard at end of episode as everyone gathers
around the new baby.
Song is also available on her "best of" and "collection" CDs.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "One Life" by Karen Grenier | |
"Family Circus" - Micah Green Album: Micah Green
Website: www.micahgreen.com
Scene: Joey is over at Gretchen's.
Visit Micah's official site for info on purchasing this CD. |
"Why Walk When You Can Fly?" - Karen Blake Album:
Small Potatoes Website: www.karenblakemusic.com
Scene: Started when Joey and Pacey were on the phone and while Dawson and Gretchen were kissing
at the end of the episode.
No further info is available at this time.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Remind Me" by Fisher | | |
#420 "Promicide" Episode #78/128 Original Air Date: 05/02/2001 Episode #20 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
The senior prom brings some pleasant surprises as well as some unexpected heartbreak to the
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"You're An Ocean" - Fastball Album: Harsh Light
Of Day Website: www.fastballmusic.com
Scene: Jen and Gretchen are trying on prom dresses while Jack and Dawson on trying on tuxedos
in another store.
Artist also heard in episode: #201
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "How Good It Can Be" by The 88
| |
"I've Changed (Alternate Version)" - Josh Joplin
Group Album: Useful Music (Artemis) Website: www.joshjoplingroup.com
Scene: The gang stops by the market on the way to the prom.
This is the alternate version of the song that is the last track on the CD.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Some Way Out" by The Ashgrove
| |
"Ruby's Gone" - Eva Trout Album: Oberon (Shock)
Website: www.evatrout.com.au
Scene: Background song as Dawson and Gretchen arrive at the prom.
Artist also heard in episode: #503
This song was also heard in episode: #503
Band from Australia. CD is only available as an import in the USA. |
"Talk Show" - Dig Deeper Album: Basement Factory
Of Desire Website: www.digdeeper.ontheweb.nu
Scene: Pacey and Joey are walking up to another deck on the boat and are talking about "what's
Band is from Canada. |
"Sundrop" - Ego Album: Info Not Available
Scene: A drunken Jen and Drue on the deck, Drue is trying to get her to stop drinking.
Australian band. Cover art is from CD single of the song. |
"Roses Around My Feet" - Tish Hinojosa Album:
Sign Of Truth (Rounder) Website: www.mundotish.com
Scene: Dawson goes over to Joey to see what's wrong.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Over Again" by Paradiso | |
"When We Collide" - K.D. Lang Album: Invincible
Summer (Warner) Website: www.kdlang.com
Scene: Tobey asks Jack to dance. Pacey sees Dawson and Joey dancing together.
"Wonderful Thing" - Vagabond Lovers Album: When
I Was You (Monarch Records) Website: www.vagabondlovers.com
Scene: Pacey confronts Dawson and Joey while they dance. Pacey starts to yell at Joey.
 "Aftershocks" - Mary Beth Maziarz Album: Supernatural (Musaic Records) Website: www.marybethmusic.com
Scene: Joey crying in Dawson's arm after getting yelled at by Pacey. Drue helps Jen before she
falls off the boat.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 #308 #316 #319 #401 #409 #413 #423 #501 #515 #610
CD also available at her official site. |
"20one" - Sid Six Album: Sid Six (Rcd Music)
Website: www.sidsix.com
Scene: Gretchen and Pacey talking. Gretchen is telling Pacey she is too old to be at the prom.
Check their official site for CD info. |
"Take My Hand" - Dido Album: No Angel (Arista)
Website: www.aristarec.com/aristaweb/Dido
Scene: Tobey and Jack kiss.
Artist also heard in episode: #320
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Easy Words" by Freebird | |
"Whadify" - Everett Bradley Album: As Ever It
Is Website: www.everettbradley.com
Scene: Momentarily heard right before Gretchen breaks up with Dawson.
Visit his official site or check out www.cdbaby.com for more info on purchasing the CD. | |
#421 "Separation Anxiety" Episode #79/128 Original Air Date: 05/09/2001 Episode #21 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Dawson and Joey are hopeful that some unexpected turns of events may resuscitate their ailing
relationships with Gretchen and Pacey respectively. Jen makes an important decision but Jack makes her rethink it.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Dead Yet" - Mud'l Head Album: N/A Website:
Scene: Jack and Jen talking in the school cafeteria.
Artist also heard in episode: #209
This song was also heard in episode: #209
The band now calls themselves Billhouse. This song is from a demo CD sent in by the band. |
"Show Me Heaven" - Jessica Andrews Album: Songs
From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.jessicaandrews.com
Scene: Heard for a brief moment with the shots of all the homes and then to Dawson in his room
before Gail comes in with his sister.
Artist also heard in episode: #323
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "True North" by Stephanie Corby
| |
"Write Me A Song" - Edwin McCain Album: Far
From Over (Atlantic) Website: www.edwinmccain.com
Scene: Joey at Pacey's house inviting him to the party.
Artist also heard in episode: #112 #318 #623
Song clip courtesy of Atlantic Records.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Walk On" by Stewart Foehl | |
 "Windows" - Amy Cook Album: From The Fifty-Second Story Website: www.amycook.com
Scene: Pacey stops by Joey's house to pick her up to go to the party.
Artist also heard in episode: #416
This song was also heard in episode: #416 |
"One Small Year" - Shawn Colvin Album: Whole
New You (Columbia) Website: www.shawncolvin.com
Scene: Dawson telling Gretchen that he wants to go away with her.
Artist also heard in episode: #403 #409 #506 #610
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Capacity" by Karen Grenier | |
"Around And Around" - Mark Kozelek Album: Rock
N Roll Singer (Badman) Website: www.badmanrecordingco.com
Scene: Gretchen at Dawson's house and while Pacey drops off Joey at her house after the party.
Artist also heard in episode: #504
CD available for purchase at CDBaby.com.
This song is a cover of a John Denver tune.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Run" by Montana | |
"Waiting For My Real Life To Begin" - Colin Hay
Album: Going Somewhere (MusicBlitz) Website: www.colinhay.com
Scene: End of episode during montage of scenes and with Dawson and Joey by the dock.
Artist also heard in episode: #611
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Grow Up" by Stewart Foehl | | |
#422 "The Graduate" Episode #80/128 Original Air Date: 05/16/2001 Episode #22 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Dawson and friends graduate from Capeside High. Joey gives a speech. Jen and Drue get caught
in a senior prank.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Pinch Me" - Barenaked Ladies Album: Maroon
(Warner/Reprise) Website: www.barenakedladies.com
Scene: Heard in the background as Dawson and Joey arrived at the pre-graduation party.
Artist also heard in episode: #103 #207 #213 #220 #523
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Inspiration" by Fooled By April
| |
"If It's Hurting You" - Robbie Williams Album:
Sing When You're Winning (Capitol) Website: www.robbiewilliams.com
Scene: Dawson is explaining to Andie about his break-up with Gretchen.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Tangled" by Adam Tenenbaum | |
"Dream Too Small" - Amy Dalley Album: N/A (Ten
Ten Music) Website: www.amydalley.com
Scene: Pacey is telling Andie that he passed his final and is graduating.
Song only made available on demo recording at this time.
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Seamless" by Amilia K Spicer
| |
 "If" - Dragmatic Album: Dragmatic (EP) Website: www.dragmatic.com
Scene: Pacey spots Joey alone at a table near the end of the graduation party.
Artist also heard in episode: #307 #506 #623
This song was also heard in episode: #307 #623 |
"Good Mother" - Jann Arden Album: Living Under
June (Universal/Polygram) Website: www.jannarden.com
Scene: Bessie is applying lipstick on Joey just before they head over to the graduation ceremony.
Artist also heard in episode: #100 #101 #110 #320 #323
This song was also heard in episode: #100
Same song heard in the first ever episode in season one when Bessie was applying lipstick to Joey. |
"Fields Of Gold" - Eva Cassidy Album: Songbird
(Blix Street) Website: www.evacassidy.com
Scene: Heard at the graduation ceremony, during and after Joey's speech.
Artist also heard in episode: #406
This song was also heard in episode: #406
The "Graduation Song" as selected by executive producer Paul Stupin from among your submitted suggestions. | |
#423 "Coda" Episode #81/128 Original Air Date: 05/23/2001 Episode #23 on the Season 4 DVD set Score
Music By: Adam Fields
Season 4 Finale! Dawson's goodbyes come earlier than expected when he's accepted to a summer
program at USC. Jen bids farewell to Gram's house as it's sold.
Featured Songs |
Note: Songs listed in order heard. Sometimes, a song may
be heard in more than one scene so you may need to read all scene descriptions to find a song you're looking for. Audio clips
may not be reflective of sample heard in the episode. |
"Packing Blankets" - Eels Album: Daisies Of
The Galaxy (Dreamworks) Website: www.eelstheband.com
Scene: Dawson, Joey, Jack, and Jen hanging out by the fountain.
Artist also heard in episode: #402 #417 #503
This song was also heard in episode: #402
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Call It Clear" by Halloween,
Alaska | |
"Two By Two" - Les Vegas/C.J. Webbe Album: Reggae
Anthology (Chappell Library)
Scene: Reggae music heard when we see Pacey for the first
time on the boat which is docked.
Artist is not identified. CD is from a licensed music library available for TV and films. |
"Rock Me To Sleep" - Jill Sobule Album: Pink
Pearl (Beyond) Website: www.jillsobule.com
Scene: Heard in 2 scenes... Jack and Dawson walking to the movies, talking about saying goodbye
to Joey. Heard after as they are all leaving the movie theater.
Artist also heard in episode: #321
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "Sometimes" by Andrea England
| |
"How You've Grown" - Natalie Merchant Album:
Rare On Air: Vol 1 KCRW Live Performances (Mammoth Records) Website: www.nataliemerchant.com
Scene: Dawson saying goodbye to Joey on her porch.
Artist also heard in episode: #216 #217
Natalie performed the studio version of this song with 10,000 Maniacs. For info on this album series, check out www.kcrwmusic.com
Season 4 DVD replacement song: "This Is Why" by Tammy Raybould
| |
"Daydream Believer" - Mary Beth Maziarz Album:
Songs From Dawson's Creek Volume 2 Website: www.marybethmusic.com
Scene: Two scenes. First heard as Dawson and Joey meet each other outside his house on their
way to see each other. Later as the episode ends with Dawson and Joey kissing by the window.
Artist also heard in episode: #301 #308 #316 #319 #401 #409 #413 #420 #501 #515 #610
This song was also heard in episode: #319 #501 | | |